See what others have been saying about Life Changes Elder Care Consulting.
Dee has been a lifesaver, literally. Her advocacy for my health has prevented medication errors and premature discharge from rehabilitation among other things. One home health nurse asked why I hired Life Changes when they were on board, I told her that her services came and went but Dee is alway there as my constant advocate.
I can’t thank the team at Life Changes enough. Their team has helped me reach the age of 90, while still living in my home. It has been 9 years of thoughtful, proactive support. They coordinate with my medical team, my support services, and my family. They even attend to the needs of my pets when I have a medical emergency. It has been a great comfort for me and my sons to know their advocacy is top notch and their focus is proactive.
My mother has frontotemporal dementia and some of the changes that accompany this disease can be incredibly difficult to deal with, i.e., personality changes, paranoia, reduced inhibitions. The team at Life Changes has been so helpful at coaching me about the disease process, providing suggestions for ways to interact with her and, quite frankly, taking some of the pressure off me and allowing me to be her daughter and less obviously, a caregiver.
We have such piece of mind, knowing that Brooke and the Life Changes team are part of “Team Mom.” Both I and my brother live out of state. Mom continues to be fiercely independent, at least as much as she can be. Life Changes has shored up Team Mom with great concierge medical providers, daily caregivers, therapist, custom food services, etc. Mom is thrilled she is able to continue to live in her own home and that makes us thrilled to have Life Changes as part of her Team!
~Bryce & Paul